To my dear Culinary friends
Yip, seeing is believing…. I can’t even remember the last time I wrote a ‘hey and yeah’ notice. Life is really happening in the Coetzer household more than I could ever anticipated. Although I do sometimes (emphasis on the sometimes) miss the baby giggles and goo-goo’s, my two little ladies grew soooo much and I enjoy our morning and before bedtime chats and “skinner” moments. Especially Jhanke, the youngest of the pack, for her nothing comes without drama! – “Wonder where those genes accumulated from….”
You will be happy to know that my quick visit, comes with some amazing news, of me being prepared with my Christmas gifts. I know, you most probably think; how can this make anyone feel so whole…. Believe me, I always feel so overwhelmed with all the Christmas and thank you gifts for teachers, assistants, coaches, and the list goes on, that my decision to start early and involve the kids, inspired me to 3 awesome Christmas POP-UP classes.
My point for this visit is to let you know that I come prepared so prepared I even make my Mother proud, the lady with more OCD in her bloodstream than her 71-year body can take. I must be honest I did scare myself a few times when all these multiple creative juices started flowing, more like a star-studded sky with no beginning nor end, just 100’s and 1000’s of ideas.
Have you ever seen the endless star horizon in the freezing cold Sutherland? Promise me you will put this on your bucket list! After taking part in “Oom” Jurg’s stargazing in Sutherland, you will want me on your team if we ever get stuck in the Bundu’s, from the Southern Cross to Scorpion will be a breeze to identify, of course in those crisp clear sky, there is more visible than just stars… But that is a story for another day…
And there I go again so off the main subject I even confuse myself. Back to Christmas Gifts, Christmas Presents, Christmas Food, Christmas Lunch and the oh so important Christmas Drinks – Remember what I always say – personality comes in a bottle and with a percentage – and with all the family and friends we have to endure over the festive season we sometimes need a bit more personality than usual.
There will be two Homemade Christmas gifting classes. Which you cannot afford to miss, they are loaded with ideas that will keep you busy, and will put you in the top ranks for best Christmas gift ever and maybe next year your child’s teacher will like you just a tinsy winsy bit more…
During class one, we will make some delicious liqueurs, which you might be tempted to keep for your own pleasure, we will also make some flavoured syrups, extracts and for the adventures in you, some spice rubs, braai salts and infused salts. This class will be presented as a Chef’s Choice class and will be a demonstration style class the price will be R350 per person – Tuesday 22 October from 18h00 – 20h00 and we will repeat this class on Wednesday morning 23 October from 10h00 – 12h00, (if I can limit myself to two hours) for your ease of attending this fabulous class.

The second homemade gifting class will be loaded with bottled sauces, bottled cake, cookies, and brownie mixes, sweets, quick cookies and even a quick and special treats for your neighbour’s pooch. Gifts that will be the talk of the town loaded with personality and love. This class will be presented as a Chef’s Choice class and will be a demonstration style class the price will be R350 per person – Tuesday 12 November from 18h00 – 20h00 and we will repeat this class on Wednesday morning 13 November from 10h00 – 12h00, (if I can limit myself to two hours) for your ease of attending this fabulous class.

Our last Christmas addition for this year will be a true South African Christmas treat, a lovely quick and easy Christmas menu. I do hope to see you for my last bit of overflowing inspiration for 2019. This class will be presented as a Chef’s Choice class and will be a demonstration style class but will be a bit longer than my normal classes the price will be R400 per person – Tuesday 26 November from 18h00 – 21h00 and we will repeat this class on Wednesday morning 27 November from 10h00 – 13h00, (if I can limit myself to three hours) for your ease of attending this fabulous class.

P.S. and if you really love all our homemade gifts but are time limited, I am sure we can make a plan for you… wink, wink.
Now check your schedule and email Wilna asap to secure your space for these classes.